our backyard

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Update on Dad

Hello friends and family, I wanted to give an update on the past week. After my dad's chemo he was able to leave the hospital and go back to the hotel with my mom for a week. They enjoyed sitting at the church gardens and going on walks each day. The Kinneys came to visit who is a dental school friend of his and Toni and Ann spent a day visiting as well. Tuesday he was put back in the hospital to treat an infection which tends to happen when a person has neutropenia which means no immune system. He is feeling much better today and more like himself. I am not sure when he will leave the hospital but probably in the next few days. He will meet with his doctor in two weeks to decide the next course of treatment. My mom is going on her daily walks and her sister Brenda spent today with them and is staying the night with my mom. Love, Kimber

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