our backyard

Saturday, May 19, 2012

io non c'e`male

At least I don't feel sick lately. When someone asks you how are you today, most people say fine, great, not bad or some other comment that no one really is listening to anyway. Lately when people ask me they actually want to know, so I tell the truth; "I'm really feeling pretty good." This in spite of the medicine and the side effects are not that profound as yet.
Sammy has been a lot of fun to train as we are making progress every day. She now loves the water and will take a retrieve as far as I can throw. My dad would say that these animals are gifts from God and we should be careful not to ruin the instincts they came with. Working with dogs and nature is such a pleasure for me, so we will just have to put it on hold for a while.
Tomorrow, Linda and I are going to Mayo again with the expectation that they will hospitalize me for a course of chemo therapy and a hopeful remission. Linda will stay in a room in Rochester close to the hospital and when I get a little better we can share the place for a while until the Doctors are agreeing to let us go back to Duluth.
My friend, Father Lepak sent me a note saying that he would pray for us and we hope you will too.

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